
Whether your Greensboro roof repair is caused by storm damage, or just simply the result of an aging roof, there are local roofing companies that can help. Ensuring that your roof is properly repaired is important. When slight damage is neglected it can result in major repairs to your home later. A missing shingle may not seem all that bad; however, the structural damage that can result from moisture entering your home after storm damage can be serious. Whenever storm damage leaves you with shingles on the ground instead of your roof, call the professionals at Triad Installations!

roof repair

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Storm damage may call for Greensboro roof repair

There can be many causes of Greensboro roof repair. Storm damage is often one of the main causes for roof repairs. High winds, hail, and extreme temperature changes can cause damage to even the best maintained roofs. Sometimes the damage to your roof is difficult for you to notice. This is one reason why it is wise to have your roof inspected by professionals. Asphalt shingles are one of the most common roofing materials used on residential building. They can provide a safe and beautiful roof for your home, but they can also be damaged by storms.

Waiting for Greensboro roof repair not recommended

The sooner you have your Greensboro roof repair done the less likely you will be to have other complications from the damage. When roofs are damaged it is possible for moisture to leak into your home. At first it may be a slight problem, but over time it can cause the structure of your home to become water damaged and weaken. It may also result in moisture building up in the attic or walls of your home, which provides a breeding ground for mold. Call the professionals at Triad Installations in Greensboro, NC right away if you notice shingles on the ground, or holes in your roof.

Many people worry about the cost of Greensboro roof repair. In most cases the costs should be covered by your house insurance, especially if the roof repair is caused by storm damage. If you notice damage to your roof after a storm it is best to get an estimate of the repair cost and then contact your home insurance agent. Even if the cost of the roof repair is not covered by your insurance, it is a necessary repair that should be done as soon as possible to avoid high repair costs later.

Storm damage that results in the need for Greensboro roof repair can be difficult to spot sometimes. Hail can cause dimpling of shingles that result in more damage down the road. Hail can also knock lose the granules that cover the asphalt shingles, making them subject to cracking and leaking as time goes on. This is one good reason to contact roofing companies such as Triad Installations. They have inspectors on staff that can spot storm damage before it becomes a big problem. If you suspect that your roof may have been damaged in a recent storm, contact your local Greensboro roof repair specialists for a free inspection.