
Replace my asphalt shingles

My Charlotte roof needs new shingles

Last week north Greenboro neighbor had mentioned to me that he needed to replace many asphalt shingles, and maybe his whole roof; which caused to me realize that I most likely needed to replace my asphalt shingles as well.  Our homes were practically built at the same time by the same contractor. If his roof was that bad off, mine must be as well. Sure enough, I took a look at my roof and I noticed some missing shingles and several patches where a group of shingles had begun to curl. Most people lack the know-how replacing shingles and the rest of us are never getting up on that roof. This definitely is a job for the professionals.

A roof can last for a long time provided they are well maintained; replacing one may put a hole on your pocket, but that is the reality, especially if your home is occasionally ravaged by storms causing a cumulative effect of damage in a few short years.

Asphalt roofing for your home

A simple inspection of your roof will tell you if you need to replace a few shingles or replace the entire roof. Check for any signs of torn or missing shingles; also inspect the rafters and the trusses for signs of moisture or leaking. Loose granules are normal; however, if they are beginning to pile up in the gutters or at the bottom of downspouts, this could be a sign that your shingles have reached their life span. Curling and blistering are also signs that you are in need of replacing your roof. The most common type of roofing material is asphalt shingle, they are economic, lighter and easy to install. Three Tab Asphalt Roof Shingles have a standard warranty of 20 to 50 years and you can choose from a variety of colors. The perfect upgrade is the Architectural Roofing Shingles; they provide a three-dimensional appearance and are also known as laminated or dimensional roof shingles. There is also the Specialty Shingles that has solar reflectivity which can extend the life of the roof and lower your energy cost, most specialty shingles have a 50 year or lifetime warranty.

As you can see, using asphalt shingles for your roof cover is very beneficial. You also need to know that only the best roofing contractors should replace your roof so it can last a long time. The roofing companies you should be an experienced contractor with lots of experience in the community and great references.

Residential roof repair in Greensboro, NC

If you live in Greensboro or the surrounding areas, Triad Installations is the premier roofing company for your roof replacement. They have been in business since 1984 and they are highly recommended by previous customers. They are certified roof installers all for a fair price; call them for a free estimate. With Triad Installations, I have found the easiest way to replace my asphalt shingles.