
Energy Efficient Window ReplacementsEnergy efficient windows for your home

Energy efficient window replacements provide a return on your investment in more than just financial ways. Look out your windows and what do you see? It has been said that windows are the eyes of the home. They are literally your view of the outside world. No other home shares your exact viewpoint, and your windows should be just as customized as you and your viewpoint. It does not matter if your view is the city skyline, the ocean, or your cozy backyard; windows are your viewing screen that lets you see the world from the comfort of your reclining chair. As beautiful as your view may be, those same windows can wreak havoc on your wallet if they are not energy efficient. In certain parts of the country, as much as 25% of heat can be lost through windows. Consider the following tips to keep your windows energy efficient.

ENERGY STAR® windows

ENERGY STAR® is the government-backed program that establishes requirements for energy efficiency for more than 50 types of products, including homes and buildings. The energy star label on a product means that it features the quality and performance that concerned consumers expect.

Double your panes

If your home still has single-pane windows, you may want to consider doubling up with gas-filled double-pane windows. If you live in traditionally colder climates, you should consider low-E glass. Argon and krypton gases can be used between the double panes of windows instead of air as a means to increase insulation and energy efficiency. Low-e coatings is an acronym for low-emittance coatings that help the window reflect harmful rays from the sun, while absorbing warm rays or keeping warmth inside in the winter.

Install window treatments

Installing window treatments can help keep heating and cooling costs down. Keeping your drapes closed in the winter can retain heat and block out the sun during warmer temperatures, thus keeping cool air inside. Window treatments include everything from awnings, to blinds, to storm panels.

Window Repair

Windows that leak air, rotted wooden window frames, and missing caulk are energy efficient issues; they are also signs that you need window repair. Many homeowners make window repairs an annual event. If this is the case, they should consider energy efficient window replacements.

Quality window replacements in Greensboro, NC

If you find yourself keeping your old windows hidden behind curtains and blinds, let Triad Installations replace your drafty, high maintenance windows with quality vinyl tilt replacement windows. Triad has been installing replacement windows in Greensboro, High Point, Winston-Salem, and the surrounding areas for over twenty years. Call their office in Greensboro, NC, to schedule a free estimate. Their energy efficient window replacements will save you money each month.