
Fix my old vinyl windowsTo repair or replace my windows

Every day homeowners somewhere ask themselves, “Do I fix my old vinyl windows, or do I replace them?” Fixing your windows can mean anything from replacing a latch piece to replacing window panes. When you replace components of a window, it does not necessarily mean that you will improve the performance of the window. If old windows are repaired with energy efficient panes, the window is still inefficient if it is not leak proof around the frame.

Cost efficient windows

There are some very good reasons why you should replace old, leaky, and inefficient windows. The first reason is that energy efficient windows provide a fantastic return on investment. Recent studies show that the average homeowner can expect about a 93% return of their investment in vinyl replacement windows. It cannot be denied that ENERGY STAR® replacement windows are effective in reducing your monthly heating and cooling bills. It is not uncommon to see heating and cooling costs drop twenty to forty percent each month, depending on the part of the country. This is a sizable savings over the life of the windows.

Safety and security in replacement windows

Another enormous benefit of quality vinyl replacement windows is safety and security. There are a significant number of outdated windows in older houses with broken latches and locks. Some single and double hung windows cannot even be completely closed. This is unsafe, and security could become the most important reason for window replacement. The latest generation of vinyl windows feature single and double hung windows that swing inward to allow for safe and efficient cleaning inside the home.

Aesthetics plays a noteworthy role in deciding to replace your windows. It is important to understand that vinyl windows will not add significant market value to your home, but any home for sale with dilapidated windows is going to be difficult to sell. There is virtually an endless choice of styles and colors that will allow you to match the original architecture and design of any home.

A premium installer in Greensboro, NC

Replacing old windows with the best quality energy efficient windows means that you will need a top quality installer. If you live in Greensboro, High Point, or Winston-Salem, you are fortunate to have Triad Installations as a premier window installer in your area. Triad offers quality vinyl tilt replacement windows. You can trust Triad Installations to give you an honest, complete window replacement with no hidden extras. Their vinyl windows are ENERGY STAR® rated, and they come in a wide variety of style and colors to match any home. Call them today, and just say, “What are my options to fix my old vinyl windows?”